The Hebrew word, qhaneh-bosm (above top) , from
Exodus 30:23, normally translates into English as "sweet-smelling,
fragrant cane."
You can use it to make anointing oil, or simply give it to God directly,
as in Isaiah 43:24
(cannabis) is how the word looks in Greek, when translated correctly.
Unfortunately, an ignorant translator called it
(calamus) while making the Septuagint (LXX).
 Cannabis |  Calamus |
The King James Version of the Bible continues the mistranslation
onward as "sweet calamus." Most other versions of the Bible
translate it correctly as some variant of "sweet-smelling, fragrant
It has long been hailed as a crucial ingredient of chrism,
the anointing oil of kings and priests. One would have a hard time
anointing anyone properly without it.
This is how it looks in Latin, though you may recognize it
better by its Americanized name, marijuana.
You may not have considered that this was one of the gifts
that God gave Adam, but it was. In the first book of the Bible, in
the first chapter, he says:
See, I give you every seed-bearing plant all over
the earth, and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit on it to be your
Genesis 1:29
Later, after the flood, Jah reiterates His promise to Noah:
I give them (the animals) all to you as I did
the green plants.
Genesis 9:3
While there are many more places in the Bible where
cannabis use is directly or indirectly alluded to—notably
passages related to King Solomon (reportedly a genuine connoisseur), those are
stories for another day.
God doesn't say much about pot specifically until after the
Exodus, but when He does, what He says is a mouthful (the recipe for
Take the finest spices, five hundred shekels
of free-flowing myrrh; half that amount of fragrant cinnamon, and two
hundred fifty shekels of cannabis, with five hundred shekels of cassia,
all according to the standard of the sanctuary shekel, and blend them
together with a hind of olive oil. And blend them into sacred anointing oil,
perfumed ointment, expertly prepared.
Exodus 30:22-26
Per the Reverend Tom Brown, that last sentance is important, as 'perfumed' means
'cooked'. His chrism turned out much better as a result.
Jah then instructs Moses to paint the tent in which incense
to God was burned with this oil of anointing, and paint most of the
contents of the tent as well, and the priests of the Israelites. All
must be covered with the chrism.
He even goes so far as to say:
As sacred anointing oil this shall belong
to me throughout your generations. It is sacred, and shall be treated
as sacred by you.
Exodus 30:31,32
Isaiah writes of God's fondness for marijuana, pointing out
that from Jah's point of view, all the Jews seem to do anymore is come
to ask for forgiveness--they never just come by anymore simply to worship
by lighting up some pot. He feels used.
Remember not the events of the past,
The things of long ago, consider not;
See, I am doing something new!
Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
In the desert I make a way,
in the wasteland, rivers.
Wild beasts honor me, jackals and ostriches,
For I put water in the desert and rivers in the wasteland
for my chosen people to drink
The people who I formed for myself,
that they might announce my praise.
Yet you did not call upon me, Oh Jacob
for you grew weary of me, Oh Israel
You did not bring me sheep for your holocausts.
Nor honor me with your sacrifices.
I did not extract from you the service of offerings,
nor weary you for frankincense.
You didn't buy me any marijuana
nor fill me with the fat of your sacrifices;
Instead, you burdened me with your sins,
and wearied me with your crimes.
It is I, I, who wipe out, for my own sake,
your offenses;
your sins I remember no more.
Isaiah 43:18-25
Later, when Jah is angered at the Jews, because they 'despised
his law,' he tells them that it won't do them any good to bring him
marijuana and incense, even if the incense is from Sheba and the pot
is imported, too.
Of what use to me incense that comes from
Sheba or marijuana from far-off lands? Your holocausts find no favor
with me, Your sacrifices please me not.
Jeremiah 6:20
Apparently, even though it wouldn't do them any good any longer,
the Jews were still importing pot, now from Uzal.
Javan exchanged wrought iron, cassia
and marijuana for your wares.
Ezekiel 27:19
Saint Timothy Warns Us!
Paul tells Timothy in his first epistle, chapter 4, that in the 'latter
times' some will heed deceitful spirits and things taught by demons.
He calls them 'plausible liars' and says they have 'seared
He warns that they will call for abstinence. They will even
attempt to enforce bans on certain foods, and the like, all of which
were designed by God for the enjoyment of those who know the truth.
Paul continues:
'Everything God created is good, nothing
is to be rejected when it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made
holy by God's word and by prayer.'
1 Timothy 4:4-5
You shall know the truth, and the truth
shall set you free
Jah Loves Ganja
Jah Loves I
I Love I
You too, can be part of the work of the Great Herb in its attempt
to find its way home to Jah. Come worship with the:
Zen Zion Coptic Orthodox
